
1410 Dialectric Silicone Grease .75 fl. oz. Syringe


IES Dielectric Silicone Grease is a non-toxic, odorless, non-curing lubricant made with 100% silicone oil and is resistant to water and most chemicals.

It has excellent dielectric properties and act to prevent water-caused electrical short outs of electrical components.   It is Non-corrosive and performs extremely well in high and low temperatures.

Ideal for home use or major industry.

    • Syringe applicator for precision applications
          • Spark Plugs (Rubber boot of the plug wire)
          • Battery Terminals
          • Terminal Splices, Strips and Disconnects
          • Electrical Connections
          • Ignition Coil Connectors
          • Cable Connections
          • Gaskets of Multi-Pin Connectors (Car and marine engines)
          • Speedometer Cables
          • Headlight and Bulb Connectors
          • Trailer Hitches
          • Brake Calipers & Rotors
          • Distributor Caps
          • O-Rings

      Seal Out Moisture, Prevent Corrosion, Protect Electrical Components in a Wide Temperature Range (-40° to 400°F) while providing Extreme Temperature Stability.

      Compatible With Most Rubbers and Plastics

      Ideal For Outdoor Applications

      Non-Toxic, Odorless